Session 9 Polar Weather and Climate Modeling (III): Process-Level Model Evaluation

Thursday, 3 June 2021: 3:45 PM-4:45 PM
Host: 16th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography
Alice DuVivier and Ian Baxter, ucsb, GOLETA, CA

3:45 PM
Welcoming Remarks

3:50 PM
Ice and Mixed-Phase Cloud Characteristics over McMurdo, Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
Minghui Diao, San Jose State Univ., San Jose, CA; and C. A. Yang, J. P. Yip, T. Barone, A. Gettelman, I. Silber, K. Zhang, and J. Sun

4:10 PM
On the Variability and Trend of Weddell Sea Polynyas in High-Resolution CESM-iHESP simulations
Xiliang Diao, Texas A&M University, college station, TX; and A. Stoessel, P. Chang, G. Danabasoglu, S. Yeager, R. J. Small, S. Zhang, A. Gopal, and H. Wang

4:20 PM
Cloudier, Warmer, and Rainier: A Look at the Arctic Mean State in the Updated Community Earth System Model
Elin McIlhattan, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI; and J. Kay and T. L'Ecuyer

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner