Session 12 High Latitude Variability and Change (III): CMIP6 Analyses

Friday, 4 June 2021: 2:30 PM-3:30 PM
Host: 16th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography

2:30 PM
Welcoming Remarks

2:35 PM
Bjerknes Compensation in a Changing Climate
Prajvala Kishore Kurtakoti, LANL, Los Alamos, NM; and W. Weijer and M. Veneziani

2:45 PM
Evaluation of the Arctic Atmospheric Circulation in CMIP6
Mark W. Seefeldt, NSIDC, Boulder, CO; and J. J. Cassano, E. Valkonen, and E. N. Cassano

2:55 PM
Sensitivity of Arctic Sea Ice Extent to Temperature in CMIP6 models
Robin Clancy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and M. Smith and M. K. Brennan

3:05 PM
Twenty first century changes in Antarctic and Southern Ocean surface climate in CMIP6
Thomas John Bracegirdle, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, United kingdom; and G. Krinner, M. Tonelli, A. Haumann, K. Naughten, T. Rackow, L. A. Roach, and I. C. Wainer

3:15 PM
Interpreting CMIP6 projections of 21st century Antarctic sea ice loss
Caroline Holmes, NERC, Cambridge, CAM, United kingdom; and T. Bracegirdle and P. Holland

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner