P8.17 Evaluation of Space Based Doppler Wind Lidar in Joint OSSEs

Thursday, 30 September 2010
ABC Pre-Function (Westin Annapolis)
Michiko Masutani, NOAA/NWS/EMC, Camp Springs, MD; and L. P. Riishojgaard, G. D. Emmitt, S. Greco, S. A. Wood, and J. S. Woollen

Observing system impact assessments using atmospheric simulation experiments are conducted to provide an objective quantitative evaluation of future observing systems and instruments. Such simulation experiments using a proxy true atmosphere, or Nature Run, are known as Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs). Since a Doppler Wind Lidar (DWL) is a most costly instrument, various simulation experiments have been funded and performed. DWL has a potentially powerful impact but also shows that without a careful design of the observing system and a significant effort in developing the data assimilation system, DWL will not be utilized to its best potential.

Various simulation experiments have been performed, but in this project DWLs are evaluated using Full OSSEs as a part of Joint OSSE where a 13 month long T511 (40km horizontal resolution) with 91 level Nature Run produced by ECMWF is shared by various other OSSEs. This will enhance the robustness of the results. Calibration will be performed to allow a quantitative estimate of the data impact from DWL.

The main objective of this project is to evaluate various systems which are planned for the NASA Global Wind Observing Sounder (GWOS). The ESA ADM-Aeolus which is planned to be launched in 2012 will also be evaluated and compared. GWOS DWL uses wind measurement from multiple directions while ADM-Aeolus uses wind measurement from one direction. Full OSSE allow quantitative evaluation of benefit of GWOS DWL.

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