P8.18 Pre-Launch Characterization of the Sounding Environmental Data Records (EDRs) Performance

Thursday, 30 September 2010
ABC Pre-Function (Westin Annapolis)
Lihang Zhou, JPSS Program Office, Silver Spring, MD; and C. D. Barnet, D. Gu, H. Kilcoyne, J. Feeley, G. Trumbower, C. Hoffman, G. A. Bingham, and K. St Germain

The flight sensors for the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) are now undergoing their final pre-launch characterization and calibration. The sounding Environment Data Records (EDRs) generated from NPP include the Atmospheric Vertical Temperature Profile (AVTP), Atmospheric Vertical Moisture Profile (AVMP), and the Atmospheric Vertical Pressure Profile (AVPP). The AVTP and the AVMP are both NPOESS Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) and being used for initialization of high-resolution NWP models, atmospheric stability, etc.. The EDR Assessments were developed by the Cal Val Subject Matter Experts to collect and track algorithm development status and expected performance against contractual specifications and applicability to user missions. This paper summarizes the sounding EDRs pre-launch assessments and provides an overview of the NPP CrIMSS Cal Val program. Performance assessment based on the CrIS/ATMS proxy datasets as well as global synthetic datasets will be presented.
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