Ongoing research by the coauthors and collaborators is exploring improvements in mesoscale details of the environments and triggering mechanisms associated with nocturnal CI that occurred during the Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) experiment, which took place during Jun-Jul of 2015 on the U.S. central plains. Events were observed with several mobile and fixed research radars, sondes, profilers, aircraft, and mesonets. These observations are assimilated into a multi-scale (3-km and ~1-km grid spacing) WRF ensemble using the Kalman filter. Initial analysis is conducted on nocturnal CI that took place on 24 June 2015 in eastern Nebraska. The goal of this project is to provide the most detailed set of four-dimensional gridded kinematic and thermodynamic analyses possible for examination of processes triggering nocturnal CI, including localized details of the stability and shear in the surrounding environment. We will focus on understanding the roles that gravity waves (e.g., bores), surface boundaries (e.g., a low-level gust front from prior convection), and a low-level jet play to dictate the precise location of nocturnal CI within a broad area of elevated mesoscale convergence. Current mesoscale analyses will be shown and the relative impacts of assimilating PECAN versus routine observations on the numerical analyses will be illustrated.