In an effort to study the LLJ ageostrophic circulation, we first quantify the role of the along frontal ageostrophic circulation using observations taken during the CalWater flight campaigns over the Pacific Ocean from 2014-2016. The effects on water vapor transport in AR associated with the ageostrophic circulations is discussed. Next, we attempt to quantify the forcing mechanisms of the ageostrophic component from a case study using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The case selected is from a landfalling AR on the U.S west coast beginning on February 5th, 2015 of which we have excellent CalWater field campaign flight observations. The diagnostic study will proceed as follows. First, the momentum equations are rearranged using a geostrophic decomposition such that the ageostrophic acceleration may be cast in terms of i) isallobaric term, ii) momentum advection, and iii) coriolis turning of the ageostrophic winds. Of these terms, it is found that the isallobaric term dominates the along frontal ageostrophic wind. Next, the isallobaric term is decomposed using the full geopotential tendency equation of which, it is thought, from a scaling analysis, that the differential of temperature advection and the diabatic terms dominate. Results will quantify the roles of each term in the geopotential tendency equation to the ageostrophic winds.
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