A numerical simulation with horizontal resolution of 2km and 50 vertical levels successfully reproduced the MBS. The simulated MBS vortex had a vertical shallow structure (< 3 km) and its vertical vorticity was largest near the surface. A vorticity budget analysis shows that the tilting of horizontal vorticity due to vertical shear of westerly and the stretching of vertical vorticity at 1-1.5km height largely contribute to the formation and early development of the vortex, while the stretching of vertical vorticity near the surface is dominant for the later development of the MBS vortex.
A triply-nested numerical simulation with horizontal resolution of 50m and 100 vertical levels has been performed to clarify a finer structure that caused the damaging gusty wind. The simulation well reproduced MBS vortex with spiral-shaped precipitation system and micro-scale (< 1km diameter) vortices within the MBS vortex. The tornado-like vortices with maximum vorticity exceeding 1 s-1 grew and decayed repeatedly near the surface in the west of the MBS vortex center, where strong horizontal shear exits. It is suggested that these vortices were strengthened by the shear instability. In addition, the intensification of the vortices was accompanied by strong updrafts exceeding 25 m s-1 at 300-500 m height. The maximum of wind speed near the surface occasionally exceeded 50-55 m s-1 during the simulation, which is comparable to Japanese Enhanced Fujita scale of 1~2.