The first and more often overlooked step concerns how the moderately deep convection became prevalent in the first place. As a circumnavigating equatorial Kelvin wave enters the Indian Ocean, it supports a reduction in tropospheric subsidence of about 0.002 m s-1. While very small, if the anomalous reduction of subsidence is integrated over about a week, it supports cooling below 500 hPa, thus reducing convective inhibition above the boundary layer and allowing more boundary layer cumuli to develop into moderately deep elements.
WRF model simulations of two DYNAMO MJO cases replicate moistening by moderately deep clouds during a transition period. In both the model and observations, the transition period is followed by MJO onset and preceded by a convective regime dominated by boundary layer cumuli. WRF model simulations can be employed to investigate important cloud moistening processes and to quantify changes in buoyancy experienced by cloud updrafts during suppressed, transition, or deep convective periods. The WRF model simulations support several conclusions or hypotheses: 1) Upscale growth of convective elements into mesoscale systems occurs after relative humidity in the lower half of the troposphere reaches a critical threshold of roughly 60–70%. 2) Simulated isolated cumulonimbi moisten their local environment by evaporation on the edges of clouds and horizontal advection of that moisture to within about 5 km of the cloud. The aggregate moistening of many cloud elements over a large region is the primary contributor to large-scale moistening during transition periods. 3) Reduction of large-scale subsidence in the model prior to the start of transition periods cools the 850–700 hPa layer by about 0.2–0.4K. The seemingly small change in temperature has a critical impact on the mean buoyancy of updrafts in this climatologically neutral to stable layer and allows transition periods, and thus the MJO onset process, to begin.