The present study addresses these uncertainties through analysis of more than 4000 h of data from profiling Doppler radars, rain gauges and a GPS receiver collected over ten cool seasons in the coastal mountains of northern California. Orographic forcing is documented by hourly upslope flow, integrated water vapor (IWV) and IWV flux derived from a wind profiler and GPS receiver located along the coast at Bodega Bay (BBY, 15 m MSL). Microphysics regime is inferred by examining data from a vertically pointing precipitation profiler in the coastal mountains at Cazadero (CZC, 478 m MSL), which allows designation of hourly periods dominated by two distinct rain types: brightband (BB) rain and nonbrightband (NBB) rain. BB rain is associated with the seeder-feeder process while NBB is associated with the warm-rain process.
The correlation coefficients for CZC rain rate versus BBY upslope flow, IWV and IWV flux are 0.61, 0.29 and 0.59, respectively, for the rain-type composite (BB+NBB rain), which are lower than those for the overall composite independent of microphysics regime (0.63, 0.41 and 0.67, respectively). These differences are attributed to the exclusion of CZC rain rates less than 1 mm h-1 in the rain-type composite. NBB rain is associated with smaller correlation coefficients (0.63, 0.24 and 0.60, respectively) compared to BB rain (0.66, 0.34 and 0.64, respectively). CZC rain rates are larger for BB rain compared to NBB rain for a given amount of orographic forcing.