High resolution modeling requires more focused spatial and temporal verification over parts of the domain, especially when that terrain is mountainous. With a Geographical Information System (GIS), researchers can now consider terrain type/slope and land use effects and other spatial and temporal variables as explanatory metrics in model assessments. By augmenting a GIS with python code, one can also perform objective analysis, i.e., one based on Barnes (1994a, b, and c). A GIS, augmented by objective analysis techniques and coupled with high resolution point and gridded observation sets, allow location-based approaches that permit discovery of spatial and temporal scales where models do not sufficiently resolve the desired phenomena.
In this paper, we augment a case study given at this year's annual AMS meeting to show an ability to introduce measures of atmospheric state produced via, for example, a Barnes Objective Analysis. We use this technique in a study of bias (mean error) for a 9/3/1 km triple nested configuration of WRF-ARW whose innermost fine scale domain was centered over Southern California. Southern California contains a mixture of urban, sub-urban, agricultural and mountainous terrain types along with a rich array of observational data with which to illustrate our ability to conduct sub-domain verification.