Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification/Weather Modification Association

Session 2


New Unconventional Concepts and Legal Ramifications

 Chair: Joe Golden, Univ. of Colorado/CIRES/NOAA/GSD, Boulder, CO
10:30 AM2.1Atmospheric heating as a research tool  extended abstract wrf recording
Lyle M. Jenkins, Eastlund Scientific Enterprises Corporation, Houston, TX; and B. J. Eastlund
10:55 AM2.2Reducing hurricane intensity by cooling the upper mixed layer using arrays of Atmocean, Inc.'s wave-driven upwelling pumps   wrf recording
Philip W. Kithil, Atmocean, Inc., Santa Fe, NM; and I. Ginis
11:20 AM2.3On Engineering Hurricanes  extended abstract wrf recording
William R. Cotton, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and S. M. Saleeby
2.4A machine to get rid of hurricanes  extended abstract
Brian Sandler, none, West Bloomfield, MI

Monday, 21 April 2008: 10:30 AM-12:10 PM, Standley I

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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