Session 6A | |||
Chair: Jordi Vila, Wageningen University, Wageningen Netherlands | |||
10:30 AM | 6A.1 | Evaluation of a combined local and non-local closure PBL model in both WRF and CMAQ simulations compared to observed vertical profiles of meteorological and chemical species Jonathan E. Pleim, NOAA/ERL/ARL, Research Triangle Park, NC; and R. Gilliam and S. Yu | |
10:45 AM | 6A.2 | A parameterization with wave saturation adjustment of subgrid-scale average wave stress over three-dimensional topography ![]() Carmen J. Nappo, NOAA/ARL/ATDD, Oak Ridge, TN; and G. Svensson | |
11:00 AM | 6A.3 | Stably stratified boundary layer simulations with a non-local closure model ![]() N. M. Colonna, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria, Italy; and E. Ferrero and U. Rizza | |
11:15 AM | 6A.4 | Conceptual analysis of the non-stationarity of wind fields in the CBL Joel Schröter, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands; and A. F. Moene and A. A. M. Holtslag | |
11:30 AM | 6A.5 | A boundary layer scheme for mesoscale models using current science ![]() Wayne M. Angevine, CIRES, University of Colorado, and NOAA/ESRL, Boulder, CO; and T. Mauritsen | |
11:45 AM | 6A.6 | The Scaling Behaviour of a Turbulent Kinetic Energy Closure Model for Stably Stratified Conditions P. Baas, KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands; and S. R. De Roode and G. Lenderink | |
12:00 PM | 6A.7 | Accounting for the effect sub-grid scale emission variability on upper-air concentration Stefano Galmarini, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra, Italy; and J. F. Vinuesa and A. Martilli |
Tuesday, 10 June 2008: 10:30 AM-12:15 PM, Aula Magna Vänster
* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting