14 Parallel domain-decomposed eddy-resolving Taiwan multi-scale community ocean model

Monday, 13 June 2011
Pennington C (Davenport Hotel and Tower)
Mu-hua Chien, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; and Y. H. Tseng

Parallel Domain-decomposed TaIwan Multi-scale Community Ocean Model (PD-TIMCOM) has been developed to provide a flexible and efficient community ocean model for simulating a variety of idealized and real ocean flows over a wide range of scales and boundary conditions. The model particularly targets at resolving multi-scale dynamics in the ocean environment, from small scale turbulence to the global circulation gyres. The novel parallel algorithm improves the efficiency of the Error Vector Propagating (EVP) method, a simple direct solver for the typical pressure Poisson equations in the PD-TIMCOM. The new approach is ideal for multiple processes and takes the advantage of parallel domain decomposition, which can significantly reduce the computational counts and memory shortage simultaneously. Therefore, this improvement makes that PD-TIMCOM afford the eddy-resolving resolution and apply to the future climate projection. We illustrate the parallel performance based on the 1/4° and 1/16° global adaption of PD-TIMCOM. Our results show accurate quasi-equilibrium large-scale energy transport, such as thermohaline circulation, and meso-scale variability, reasonably separation of several western boundary currents, Kuroshio-Oyashio extension and Gulf-stream.
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