29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Session 1B

 Particulate and Trace Gas Exchanges
 Chair: David L. Spittlehouse, British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range, Victoria, BC Canada
1:30 PM1B.1Transport of heat, water vapor, and carbon dioxide by long-period eddies in the stable boundary layer  extended abstract wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Robert J. Kurzeja, Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, SC; and M. J. Parker and M. Leclerc
1:45 PM1B.2Modelling pesticide dispersal over a vineyard canopy during spray application   wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Ali Chahine, UR1263, EPHYSE, INRA, Villenave d'Ornon, France; and S. Dupont, Y. Brunet, and C. Sinfort
2:00 PM1B.3Field measurements from a new carbon dioxide and methane eddy-covariance flux analyzer for terrestrial, sea, and airborne applications   wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Randy Apodaca, Picarro, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA; and B. Law, A. Karion, C. Thomas, C. Sweeney, E. Crosson, T. A. Rahn, and W. McGillis
2:15 PM1B.4Scalar determinants of heat and mass transport in compressible fluids   wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Andrew S. Kowalski, University of Granada, Granada, Granada, Spain; and D. Argüeso
2:30 PM1B.5Trace Gas Transport By Mountain Circulations   wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Jielun Sun, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and S. F. J. De Wekker
2:45 PM1B.6Line-source diffusion in a walnut orchard canopy during CHATS   wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Jeffrey C. Weil, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and E. G. Patton and P. P. Sullivan

Monday, 2 August 2010: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, Crestone Peak III & IV

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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