2002 SAF National Convention Theme: Forests at Work

Wednesday, 9 October 2002
From Forestry Student to Forestry Professional: A Baseline of Communications in SAF Accredited Baccalaureate Programs
Pat Stephens Williams, University of Arkansas - Monticello, Monticello, AR
This presents the results of the study of the state of communications/human dimensions training in our SAF accredited baccalaureate programs: compilation and assessment of current practices, future needs, and overall picture.

Today’s professional forester must be prepared to handle an array of communications and human dimension challenges. These challenges may manifest themselves in such situations as constituency group conflict/resolution , focus group facilitation, private land owner education, public education, government witness, or marketing/public relations. Though many skills are learned on the job, the baccalaureate education needs to provide opportunities for training and experience prior to graduation. In addition to industry demands, the inclusion of communications in the forestry curriculum is a requirement for SAF accreditation of a university program. This presentation or poster shows the results of a study of communications and human dimensions training on our SAF accredited baccalaureate programs in the United States. The study, through questionnaire and review instruments, compiles and assesses the current practices, future needs, and overall picture.

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