2002 SAF National Convention Theme: Forests at Work

Wednesday, 9 October 2002: 7:30 PM
S, 16 - Potentials in Farm Forestry through both new Plantations and Utilization of existing Forest Resources
Lawrence Oseyamhen, Defenders of Nature and Sustainable Development(DONASUD), Lagos, Nigeria
A rising awareness and understanding of the role-played by native vegetation in maintaining the ecology of the natural landscape has led to a growing reappraisal of the commercial and ecological values of many species. Farm Forestry is very high on the list of concept being promoted at international, national and state levels as improved management of the existing private forest resources has the potential to generate substantial returns.

World demand for timber, pulp, paper and all forest products is increasing and at the same time supply is decreasing. This tendency has now create a very good atmosphere for business development in this area in the quest for sustainability and a balance system.

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