NNoN Committee Meeting

Monday, 12 August 2013: 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Auditorium North/Center (Center Green )
Host: AMS Summer Community Meeting
James R. Stalker, Regional Earth System Predictability Research, Inc., N/A, Las Cruces, NM

The AMS Nationwide Network of Networks (NNoN) Committee will be holding a Dinner Meeting—Mini Stakeholder Summit 1—on August 12, 2013, during the week of the Summer Community Meeting in Boulder. The NNoN is extending invitations to interested Stakeholders from all Four Sectors (User, Government, Academic, and Private sectors) to attend this meeting, to learn about the latest planned efforts by this Committee. The Committee leadership will outline the newly defined Committee organization, its broader goals, and some of the main benefits it is aspiring to offer to network members. The Committee will be seeking input from the attendees in this more informal setting. One of the key objectives for this meeting is to re-open and keep nurturing the dialogue with the weather/climate community for developing wider support for this type of network integration efforts in the coming years. The Committee is in need of additional members to serve on various teams, within three Working Groups: (1) the Implementation Working Group, (2) the Outreach Working Group, and (3) the Advisory Working Group. Please contact the NNoN Committee Chair, James Stalker, for further details at jrstalker@respr.com.

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- Indicates an Award Winner