Wednesday, 20 July 2016: 3:15 PM-4:45 PM
Ballroom AB (Embassy Suites Tuscaloosa Alabama Downtown)
Host: 2016 AMS Summer Community Meeting
William Hooke, AMS Policy Program, Policy Program, Washington, DC
Thomas Graziano, NWS/National Water Center, Hydrologic Services Division, Silver Spring, MD; Edward Clark, NOAA/NWS, Office of Water Prediction, Tuscaloosa, AL; Brian Cosgrove, NWS/Office of Water Prediction, Office of Water Prediction, Silver Spring, MD; Scott D. Lindsey, NWS/Alaska Pacific River Forecast Center, Alaska Pacific River Forecast Center, Anchorage, AK and David J. Gochis, NCAR, Research Applications Laboratory, Boulder, CO
The National Weather Service is expected to release v1.0 of the National Water Model during the summer of 2016. The foundational data and increase in predictive capabilities delivered by the National Water Model will create opportunities for the “Water Enterprise” to deliver enhanced level of water services to their customers.

See more of: 2016 AMS Summer Community Meeting