Our results show that different combinations of the five data sets yield similar relative and specific humidity, temperature, and refractivity error variance profiles at the four stations, and these estimates are consistent with previous estimates where available. These results thus indicate that the correlations of the errors among all data sets are small and the 3CH method yields realistic error variance profiles. The estimated error variances of the ERA-Interim data set are smallest, a reasonable result considering the excellent model and data assimilation system and assimilation of high-quality observations. For the four locations studied, RO has smaller error variances than radiosondes, in agreement with previous studies. Part of the larger error variance of the radiosondes is associated with representativeness differences because radiosondes are point measurements, while the other data sets represent horizontal averages over scales of approximately 100 km.
1In the RO-Direct version we computed water vapor from observed RO refractivity using the GFS temperature as ancillary data. In the RO 1D-VAR retrieval, temperature and water vapor are computed from the observed RO refractivity using the ERA-Interim profile as background data.
Figure: Mean of the three estimates of error variance profiles for specific humidity a), relative humidity b), temperature c) and refractivity d) using RO-Direct and RO-1D-VR for each data set at Minamidaitojima, Japan. The standard deviation about the mean is indicated by shaded areas. RO (light and dark blue), radiosonde (red), GFS (gray) and ERA-Interim (purple). From Anthes and Rieckh, 2018: Estimating observation and model error variances using multiple data sets. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 11, 4239-4260,2018 https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-11-4239-2018