In response to the European Space Agency Call for Earth Explorer-10 Mission Ideas released in September 2017, a combined Mie-Raman vibrational, rotational lidar for direct measurements of the boundary layer thermodynamic profiles was proposed by an international group led by Dr. Paolo Di Girolamo of the University of Basilicata. The proposed system called ATLAS (Atmospheric Thermodynamics Lidar in Space) uses a 4 m telescope with 25 microradian field of view and 250 W laser emitting pulses at 100 Hz at 355 nm and follows a 450 km high dawn/dusk orbit. We have performed simulations of the measurements of such a system using a lidar simulator with well-established heritage (Whiteman, 2001, 2010, 2018). Input to the lidar simulator was provided by the NASA/GSFC GEOS Earth system model (Colarco et al., 2010) which was used to simulate a 24-hr orbit of the Calipso satellite on July 15, 2009. This is the same orbit that was used in a recent study of spaceborne lidar aerosol measurement capability (Whiteman et al., 2018). Operating in reanalysis mode, GEOS provides realistic profiles of atmospheric temperature, pressure, aerosols and water vapor at a horizontal spacing of 80 km for the 24-hr orbit resulting in 8640 profiles. The scene radiance was provided by the VLIDORT radiative transfer model run in parallel with GEOS.
An example of the simulated lidar temperature retrievals from the Calipso orbit simulation can be seen in Figure 1. The input temperature field from GEOS is shown on the left and on the right is the simulated ATLAS temperature. Calipso is part of the A-train and does not follow the desired dawn/dusk orbit proposed for ATLAS. Therefore, further work is in progress to modify the radiance fields used in the current GEOS output to more accurately reflect a dawn/dusk orbit. We also are pursuing higher spatial resolution (7km horizontal) GEOS profiles with the goal of performing data assimilation studies using simulated lidar measurements at this higher spatial resolution. Updated results and a status report of the investigation will be provided at the conference.
- Colarco, P., Da Silva, A., Chin, M. and Diehl, T.: Online simulations of global aerosol distributions in the NASA GEOS‐4 model and comparisons to satellite and ground‐based aerosol optical depth, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984–2012), 115(D14), D10S07, doi:10.1029/2009JD012820, 2010.
- Di Girolamo, P., A. Behrendt, and V. Wulfmeyer, Spaceborne profiling of atmospheric temperature and particle extinction with pure rotational Raman Lidar and of relative humidity in combination with differential absorption Lidar: performance simulations. APPLIED OPTICS, 45, 2474-2494, ISSN: 0003-6935, doi: 10.1364/AO.45.002474, 2006.
- Di Girolamo, P., A. Behrendt, and V. Wulfmeyer, Space-borne profiling of atmospheric thermodynamic variables with Raman lidar: performance simulations, Optics Express, 26(7), 7955-7964 ,, 2018.
- Whiteman, D. N., G. Schwemmer, T. Berkoff, H. Plotkin, L. Ramos-Izquierdo, G. Pappalardo, Performance modeling of an airborne Raman water vapor lidar, Appl Opt, 40, No. 3, 375-390. (2001)
- Whiteman, David N., Kurt Rush, Scott Rabenhorst, Wayne Welch, Martin Cadirola, Gerry McIntire, Felicita Russo, Mariana Adam, Demetrius Venable and Rasheen Connell, Igor Veselovskii, Ricardo Forno, Bernd Mielke and Bernhard Stein, Thierry Leblanc and Stuart McDermid, Holger Vömel, Airborne and Ground-based measurements using a High-Performance Raman Lidar, doi:10.1175/2010JTECHA1391.1 (2010).
- Whiteman, D. N., Daniel Pérez-Ramírez, Igor Veselovskii, Peter Colarco, Virginie Buchard, Retrievals of aerosol microphysics from simulations of spaceborne multiwavelength lidar measurements, In Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 205, 2018, Pages 27-39, ISSN 0022-4073, (2018)
- Wulfmeyer, V., R.M. Hardesty,D. D. Turner, A.Behrendt, M.P.Cadeddu, P. Di Girolamo, P. Schlüssel, J. Van Baelen, and F. Zus (2015), A review of the remote sensing of lower tropospheric thermodynamic profiles and its indispensable role for the understanding and the simulation of water and energy cycles, Rev. Geophys., 53, 819–895, doi:10.1002/2014RG000476.