Monday, 7 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Handout (2.3 MB)
Cloud electrification and lightning are closely related to cloud microphysics. We analyze this relation using several instruments that has been installed at Milešovka Mountain (Czech meteorological observatory situated in Central Europe, 50°33′18″ N. and 13°55′54″ E.). Apart from standard meteorological measurements, we analyse data from Ka-band Doppler Polarimetric Cloud Profiler, electric field mill, cloud ceilometer, and disdrometer. The Ka-band Doppler Polarimetric Cloud Profiler METEK MIRA-35c has been installed at Milešovka Mountain in March 2018. The cloud profiler is vertically oriented and provides us with measurements of reflectivity, Linear Depolarisation Ratio (LDR), Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), and vertical Doppler velocity. Using the measured quantities cloud microphysical characteristics can be derived, e.g., type of hydrometeor and pure atmospheric vertical motion. The Boltek Electric Field Monitor EFM-100 located at the Milešovka mountain, performs continuous measurements of the quasi-static electric field. It is able to detect nearby lightning as well as the cloud electrification preceding the lightning. The ceilometer (Vaisala CL51) is used to determine the cloud base and the disdrometer (Thies Laser Precipitation Monitor) measures precipitation and provides data about the size distribution of diverse hydrometeors falling to the ground.
In this contribution, we will present a first comparison of obtained measurements from the diverse instruments for events in 2018, when an intense lightning activity was recorded.