Lockheed Martin Space and its partners were awarded a grant through this UK Space Launch Program (UKSLP) to demonstrate an end-to-end launch and data services enterprise from the spaceport beginning in 2020. Key to the demonstration is the Small Launch - Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle (SL-OMV), co-developed by Lockheed Martin and Moog. The SL-OMV is a propulsive, survivable precision orbit insertion vehicle capable of dispensing six-6U cubesats into orbital planes as a cluster or phasing them for formation flying.
One of the slots on the first SL-OMV demonstration will be occupied by an advanced, compact microwave imager/sounder built by Orbital Micro Systems (OMS). OMS is planning a constellation of satellites carrying microwave sounders for high temporal revisit of global weather observations. Lockheed Martin and OMS will develop the ground architecture for demonstrating end-to-end data services including mission management, data exploitation, validation, and dissemination.
This paper will detail the UK SLP program, provide status, and describe the path forward.