Thursday, 10 January 2019: 4:30 PM
West 212A (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Ozonesonde data constitute a mainstay of satellite calibration and are used for climatologies and analysis of trends, especially in the lower stratosphere where satellites are most uncertain. The electrochemical-concentration cell (ECC) ozonesonde has been deployed at ~100 stations worldwide since the 1960s, with changes over time in manufacture and procedures, including details of the cell chemical solution and data processing. As a consequence, there are biases among different stations and discontinuities in profile time-series from individual site records. Since 1996 the Jülich [Germany] Ozone Sonde Intercomparison Experiment (JOSIE) has periodically tested ozonesondes in a simulation chamber designated the World Calibration Centre for Ozonesondes by WMO. In October-November 2017 a JOSIE campaign evaluated the sondes and procedures used in SHADOZ (Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes), a 14-station tropical and subtropical network. A distinctive feature of the 2017 JOSIE was that the tests were conducted by operators from eight SHADOZ stations; Nairobi, Natal, Irene, Costa Rica, Paramaribo, Reunion, Hanoi, Kuala Lumpur. Experimental protocols and preliminary results for the SHADOZ sonde configurations, which represent most of those in use today, are described. SHADOZ stations that follow WMO-recommended protocols record total ozone within 3% of the JOSIE reference instrument. Instrument biases noted in prior JOSIE and field tests like BESOS (2004) were noted in JOSIE-2017, with maximum effect in the stratosphere. In June 2018 we organized a series of dual launches during the OWLETS II campaign in the Maryland and Chesapeake Bay area (SHALLOTS = SHADOZ-OWLETS ParaLLel Ozonesonde Test Study). Instrument and solution types were varied as in JOSIE-2017 and three radiosonde-ozonesonde variants were tested. An example of a parallel sampling in SHALLOTS, from a Greenbelt EnSCI-iMet sonde combination flown with the Wallops SPC-LMS package, is illustrated in the Figure. The result was a range of biases but in general the instrument combination (EnSCI-iMet) deployed at 11 SHADOZ stations recorded ~5-10% less ozone in the stratosphere than the SPC ECC sonde flown with a Vaisala or LMS system. These 2017 and 2018 results and prior JOSIEs demonstrate that regular testing is essential to maintain best practices in ozonesonde operations and to ensure high-quality data for the ozone assessment communities.