118 Diurnal and Seasonal Variability of Various Climatological Parameters for a Selection of Stations in Arizona as Illustrated by "Hour by Month" Climograms

Monday, 7 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Charles J. Fisk, Naval Base Ventura County, Point Mugu, California
Manuscript (2.6 MB)

This study illustrates the use of “hour-by-month” climograms as a means of visualizing and interpreting diurnal and seasonal variation of a host of different climatological variables for a collection of stations in Arizona with appreciable periods of record. A visual analog to the topographic map, the hour-by-month methodology has calendar month comprising the y-axis, hour of the day, the x-axis. Upon the 2-D grid, a parameter of interest's diurnal/seasonal variation is depicted in the form of contours, shadings, vector arrows icons, etc. In addition, sunrise/sunset demarcation lines are overlain, lending an extra physical perspective to the depictions.
Previous studies (Fisk, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2014) demonstrated hour-by-month climograms' general use in portraying seasonal and diurnal variations for such parameters as percent occurrence frequencies of Fog, Haze/Smoke, High Winds, Blowing Dust, Thunderstorms, Prevailing Winds (16-point compass directions), various types of Flying Weather (VFR, HVFR, etc.,), and percents of time with cloud ceilings. Also depicted were mean hourly temperatures, wind speeds, relative humidities, median ceilings' heights, and extremes (for example, upper 99th percentile thresholds of temperature, wind speed; or lower 1st percentile readings of relative humidities). Other adaptations involved portrayals of the diurnal and seasonal variations in mean vector (or prevailing) wind orientations and speeds by hour, and median ceilings’ heights.
In this study, seven Arizona stations are selected, including Phoenix, Tucson, Prescott, Kingman, Winslow, Flagstaff, and Yuma. A medley of the meteorological parameters cited above (not necessarily all-inclusive) will comprise each station’s set of climograms.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
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