Heat Index (HI) parameter for determining the necessity of heat advisories and warnings. HI has
been a relatively adequate means of assessing heat impacts on sedentary populations, but recent
morbidity research proves its shortcomings capturing the heat risk for active individuals.
The Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) is a composite parameter that estimates the
combined effects of temperature, humidity, wind, and solar radiation on humans, and has been
found to be a more effective means of assessing exertional heat illness (EHI).
Furthermore, WBGT is a common heat metric used in athletic, occupational, and military
settings to determine activity modifications and safety limits for physical activity during extreme
heat. However, due to the absence of consistent, national, fine-scale WBGT observations and
forecast data, inability to comply with the existing activity modification guidelines is a major concern
for many users.
Currently, the National Weather Service (NWS) provides national monitoring and forecast
products for temperature and HI, and is exploring provision of national forecasts for WBGT as an
element in the National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD). An update on where the initiative
stands will be provided, along with a look at various needs of WBGT users and subsequent efforts
of local weather forecast offices (WFOs) across the CONUS to provide WBGT forecasts to aid