11A.2 NOAA Virtual Lab (VLab) Services, an Update

Thursday, 10 January 2019: 8:30 AM
North 132ABC (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Jason E. Burks, CIRA, Huntsville, AL; and K. S. Sperow and S. B. Smith

NOAA's Virtual Lab (VLab) provides a host of services to help facilitate collaboration between users within NOAA and external partners outside of NOAA. An update to the services provided within VLab will be discussed. The services includes a web portal promoting collaboration through content sharing along with development services to facilitate software development activities. The software development tools such as project management, issue tracking, software version control, software code review, and automated builds of software help users implement software development and management best practices. Through VLab's Suite of tools users can quickly, efficiently, and reliably develop high quality software. VLab is used by all of the NOAA line offices, is a mission critical tool within the National Weather Service and is even defined as a required part of the on-boarding process for setting up services within the Integrated Dissemination Program (IDP). The VLab Team also provides consulting to help promote software development best practices.
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