Thursday, 10 January 2019: 9:00 AM
North 230 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Land Surface Temperature (LST) is listed as an Essential Climate Variable in the Global Climate Observation System. It is widely used in many aspects of the geosciences, e.g., studies of net radiation budget at the Earth surface, monitoring state of crops and vegetation, as well as an important indicator of both the greenhouse effect and the physics of land-surface processes at local through global scales. In satellite remote sensing, LST is defined as the radiative skin temperature of the land and has been produced and widely applied for decades. It is required and produced as one of baseline products from both the JPSS and GOES-R missions, as well as from other meteorological satellite missions worldwide. Enterprise LST algorithm has been applied at NOAA/NESDIS center for SaTellite Applications and Research (STAR) for consistent LST production from the JPSS and GOES-R missions and maintenance easiness. Evaluation of the STAR LST products has been conducted using radiative transfer simulation datasets and proxy sensor data before the satellite launch. After the satellite launch, in-situ LST estimates from ground stations have been utilized for the LST product validation and calibration. Further, cross-satellite LST data comparisons have been performed for the JPSS and GOES-R LST product evaluation using the EOS MODIS LST data, the Himawari AHI LST data, and the MSG SEVIRI LST data. The JPSS SNPP LST product and the GOES-16 LST product have reached its provisional maturity since April 2014 and March 2018, respectively; the JPSS NOAA-20 LST product provisional maturity is expected by January 2019. During the JPSS LST and GOES-R LST product development, we have worked with many LST users from academy and from government agencies for a verity of applications. Some examples of the JPSS and GOES-R LST data quality assessment, access sources, and applications are illustrated.