9B.3 System ZDR of the WSR-88D: Hardware Issues and Temperature Dependence

Wednesday, 9 January 2019: 2:00 PM
West 211B (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Valery Melnikov, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and D. Zrnic, A. Free, R. Ice, and R. W. Macemon
Manuscript (2.2 MB)

Dual polarization radar measurements require well calibrated radars. Radar quantitative precipitation estimates using differential reflectivity (ZDR) requires measurements of this variable with an accuracy of 0.1 dB. The WSR-88D radar features built-in calibration devices located in a climate controlled box. Some of the radar devices, e.g., the low noise amplifiers, waveguides, antenna are out of climate control and experience ambient temperature/humidity impacts. Results of a study of the system ZDR at various ambient temperatures are presented. Some methods that potentially can compensate for the temperature variations are discussed.

It is also shown that the IF Digital Receiver can introduce a ZDR bias larger than desired 0.1 dB. Non linearity of the low noise amplifiers also contributes to the system ZDR bias. A potential calibration procedure to eliminate these biases is proposed. Automatic procedures for refining the system ZDR bias due to the above issues are discussed.

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