In 2019, the NWS plans to reformat FFWs to an Impact-based Warning (IBW) format. This is part of the broader “Hazard Simplification” effort which is working to reduce the number of NWS products and improve the product text. The IBW format provides information on “hazard”, “source” and “impact”. It also, better aligns FFWs with the short-fused formats used for Tornado, Severe Thunderstorm, and Special Marine Warnings introduced in 2018. Moreover, transitioning FFWs to an IBW format will allow for better characterization of flooding damage threat and impact through use of “Considerable” and “Catastrophic” damage tags. These tags would enable appropriate limitations to be placed on WEA alerting
Compared with specific numerical or phenomenon-based thresholds for Severe Thunderstorm Warning tagging, characterization of flash flood by impacts is relatively broad, as objective criteria are difficult to define across the country and vary by population, infrastructure, and other factors of local environment and conditions. However, events may generally be categorized as 1) those with limited anticipated impact to life or property, 2) those which are significantly life-threatening and causing substantial damage to property, and 3) those exceedingly rare, violent flash flood events which extraordinarily threaten lives and cause disastrous damage. Warnings in the first category will carry no damage threat tag as those flash floods would have limited impact. These are envisioned to be the majority of warnings issued and will not WEA alert. Warnings in the second category will be tagged “Considerable” due to expected significant impacts to life and property. The tag for these unusual/significant flash floods will trigger WEA alerts. Warnings in the final category will be tagged “Catastrophic” and will also trigger WEA alerts, but these types of warnings would be very rare and would approximate current Flash Flood Emergencies. Including impact statements describing the severity of impacts expected and their locations will facilitate differentiation of less severe events from those that are most damaging in order to improve communication to motivate proper response to warnings.
The IBW format provides valuable information to media and emergency managers, facilitates improved public response and decision making, and better meets societal needs in the most life-threatening weather events.