Miah M Adel
Professor of Physics, Astronomy, Water Resources, and Environmental Sciences
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Our societies and ecosystems are becoming rapidly vulnerable to climate change. It affects our biodiversity, water resources, food production, transportation. energy demand, human health, economy, sustainability, people’s livelihoods, and national security. The impact on the water resources itself has a domino effect. With the help of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) has planned to develop and offer an introductory course on climate change for educating the young generation to meet the challenge of climate change. This service course will be open to all disciplines.
The time-line of the of the preparation, approval, and offering of the course involves the following steps:
- Preparation of the course syllabus, inclusion of lecture and lab materials, assignment of credit hours, determination of the intended audience, prerequisite(s) is any, justification for the course, and submission of the proposal to the Curriculum Committee for consideration of approval by mid-September, 2018.
- Chairperson’s decision of offering online/face-to-face, Chairperson’s approval and the Dean’s approval by the end of September, 2018.
- Submission to the Academic Vice Chancellor’s office for the consideration of approval by a Sub-Committee followed by the full Academic Council’s consideration of approval by October 2018.
- After the approval by the Academic Council, the proposal will go to the Registrar’s Office where the course will be numbered and put on the schedule. It is expected to be offered in spring semester 2019 for the first time. In case the schedule is already published, the course will be put as an addition to the spring semester. The expected time of completion is by the end of October 2018.