GEONETCast Americas is particularly suited to support Disaster Resilience and severe weather events. The low cost stations can be used as a backup to NOAA GOES-R Series Rebroadcast or High Rate Data Polar receivers. It can also be a primary, operational receiver for a limited number of GOES-16, GOES-17, Suomi-NPP and JPSS channels and derived products. Broadcast reliability is above 99.95% and the C-band frequency is resistant to rain-fade. Products to support specific disaster events can be inserted into the broadcast in an ad-hoc manner, including from the International Disaster Charter and NASA. The receive stations can be purchased for between $5000 and $10,000 or even less for a truly portable station. Stations can be made resilient through the use of a portable generator to power the antenna system, receiver and computer, which in an emergency situation can be a laptop. Current products include 7 channels of GOES-16 CMI imagery, a GOES-16 GLM product, a selection of NPP/JPSS imagery and products and a large selection of other products from national and international content providers including the NOAA National Weather Service "International Services and Communication Systems" (ISCS) activity.