826 An Improved Attenuation Correction Methodology for Polarimetric Weather Radar

Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Yabin Gou, Hangzhou Meteorological Bureau, Hangzhou, China; and H. Chen

Attenuation correction of measured reflectivity (ZH) and differential reflectivity (ZDR) is critical in short wavelength radar applications, especially during extreme precipitation events such as heavy rain. This paper develops an improved attenuation correction method based on the self-consistency of polarimetric radar observables. In particular, a non-negative constraint on differential propagation phase (ΦDP) is applied for traditional ZPHI method. The copolar correlation coefficient (ρHV) is used to further partition the ΦDP profiles to range segments characterized by different hydrometeor phases such as pure liquid rain or mixed-phase precipitation. In addition, a cost function on the difference between processed ΦDP and reconstructed ΦDP is applied to ensure convergence in the computation. Data collected by a C-band polarimetric radar (Hangzhou-CPOL) at Da’ming mountain in Hangzhou of China during two extreme precipitation events are used to demonstrate the improved attenuation correction method. Measurements from disdrometers and a nearby radar operating at non-attenuated frequency (i.e., S-band) at Huangshan mountain (HSM) are used to quantitatively evaluate the attenuation correction performance of Hangzhou-CPOL. This paper also investigates the impact of the improved attenuation correction on quantitative precipitation estimation. Results show that the polarimetric radar measurements from Hangzhou-CPOL are effectively enhanced and are more consistent with S-band observations as well as simulated radar moments based on disdrometer data. Hourly rainfall products derived from R(ZH) and R(ZH, ZDR) are significantly improved due to the enhanced attenuation correction, and their performance is comparable to R(KDP)-based estimates.
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