ISS-LIS detects 56.6 % of the flashes detected by Meteorage. The detection efficiency (DE) of Meteorage relative to ISS-LIS exceeds 80.0 %. Coincident matched flashes detected by the two instruments show a good spatial and temporal agreement. The mean distance between matches is significantly lower than the ISS-LIS pixel resolution (6.0 km nadir). The peak average flash timing difference is lower than the ISS-LIS integration time frame (2.0 ms). The closest events/strokes of matched flashes achieve sub-millisecond offsets. The further analysis of physical flash characteristics reveals that longer lasting and more extended flashes are more likely detected by both ISS-LIS and Meteorage than short duration and short extent flashes. ISS-LIS' relative DE is lower for daytime than nighttime as well as for CG than IC flashes.
A third network, the Very High Frequency (VHF) SAETTA Lightning Mapping Array enables to validate the lightning pairing. It also provides altitude information of the lightning discharges and adds a very detailed lightning description to the comparison for verification and better understanding of the processes. Both ISS-LIS and Meteorage flash detections feature a high degree of accordance with the SAETTA observations (without altitude information). It is found that Meteorage flashes with ISS-LIS match occur in significantly higher altitudes than unmatched flashes. Hence, ISS-LIS flash DE suffers from a lack of detection of low level flashes.