Mapping model estimates reveals the importance of local climate, land cover, and other contextual factors in shaping risk perceptions alongside individual sociodemographic factors. Texas, Nevada, and Hawaii have the highest heat risk perceptions of all states, reflecting the higher baseline heat exposure that residents in warm climates face. However, perceptions of health risks of heat within large metropolitan areas are as variable as they are across states. Risk perceptions are higher in poorer neighborhoods and among minority populations, and lower in wealthier neighborhoods with more white residents, indicating the variation in vulnerability across these populations. Although age is an important factor amplifying vulnerability to heat, places with older populations tended to have lower risk perceptions. Understanding risk perceptions at fine spatial scales can support targeting of communication and education initiatives to where heat adaptation efforts are most needed. Results are available in a new high resolution online mapping tool for communicators and decision makers to understand the geographic diversity in Americans' judgments about the health risks of extreme heat.