Wednesday, 9 January 2019: 11:15 AM
North 131C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
MIIDAPS, the Multi-Instrument Inversion and Data Assimilation Preprocessing System, is a 1DVar algorithm based off of the Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) for the inversion of geophysical parameters using satellite data. Unlike MiRS, however, MIIDAPS possess the capability to retrieve information from infrared radiances. MIIDAPS also serves a dual purpose; it can be used as a stand-alone retrieval algorithm or as a preprocessor to enhance the assimilation of satellite data through improved quality control and the dynamic setting of parameters unanalyzed by the system. MIIDAPS can use all available radiometric information in inversion, and is therefore able to retrieve any parameter contained in its state vector in all-sky conditions and over all surfaces, allowing the system to be useful for the assimilation of satellite data in these otherwise complex situations. To be discussed here are the background of MIIDAPS and its applications in data assimilation and numerical weather prediction. Also to be shown are results from MIIDAPS when applied to data from both infrared and microwave instruments, their assessment, and their use in the Environmental Data Fusion (EDF) system for the enhancement of situational awareness and nowcasting through the use of satellite data.