7.1 JPSS Buzz Phrases: JPSS Enterprise Algorithms, JPSS Risk Reduction Suite, and JPSS Priority 3/4 Transition—What does it all mean?

Tuesday, 8 January 2019: 3:00 PM
North 230 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Bonnie Reed, JPSS, Suitland, MD; and A. Layns

The Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program has been transitioning to an enterprise approach using enterprise algorithms for the production of their level-2 data products - so what does this mean? An “Enterprise Algorithm” is an algorithm that uses the same scientific methodology and software base to create the same classification of product from differing input data (satellite, in-situ or ancillary). Currently, the next generation of both polar (S-NPP and NOAA-20) and geostationary (GOES-16 and GOES-17) satellites are in orbit and as data from these satellites are processed on the ground, the enterprise methodology allows for one product algorithm to be used for both satellite streams. The JPSS program successfully demonstrated this capability on their aerosol, cloud, and cryosphere algorithms known as a “Risk Reduction” project by applying the GOES-R algorithms on S-NPP data and generating quality level-2 products running on the S-NPP Data Exploitation (NDE) system. Due to the success of this risk reduction project, the remainder of the JPSS level-2 products have transitioned to using enterprise algorithms and the full suit of level-2 algorithms is expected to be in operations by the end of 2018. Additionally, to support the transition to enterprise algorithms, all level-2 processing - with the exception of VIIRS Imagery - will be transitioned from the Interface Data Processing System (IDPS) to NDE. By the end of December 2018, JPSS level-2 products will no longer be generated on IDPS nor will these products be available from the NOAA archive. Overall cost savings and efficiencies can be gained by applying the enterprise algorithm concept across the suite of products and services NESDIS provides.
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