Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The first satellite in the NOAA Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R-Series, now GOES-16, launched in November 2016. The second satellite in the GOES-R series, now GOES-17, launched in March 2018. GOES-16 is the NOAA GOES-East operational satellite and GOES-17 is undergoing it’s post-launch product validation activities. The GOES-R Series Product Readiness and Operations (PRO) team is tasked to work with our partners at the National Weather Service and within NESDIS to ensure products (both Level 1 and Level 2) are ready for operations and the user community is ready and are receiving and disseminating the various products to serve their needs and requirements. In this presentation, we will discuss the current operational status of the GOES-16 ABI L2 products and the current validation activities associated with GOES-17 ABI L2 products.