641 Light Scattering from a Water-Coated Aerosol Particle

Tuesday, 8 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Miguel Cortez Jr., Univ. of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX; and D. R. M. Fitzgerald and A. Mcafee

Light scattering from aerosol particles plays a vital role in air quality, air traffic, and climatology studies. In this research work, an inter comparison between the scattering coefficients of water coated irregularly shaped particles and uncoated irregularly shaped particles is done through models such as the Bohren-Mie code and the Arturo Quirantes Lisa Code. Computational models use Mie theory for particles that exhibit a spherical geometry. Under the presence of atmospheric humidity above 40%, irregularly shaped hygroscopic aerosol particles are assumed to develop a water shell and form a spherical shape. Below the 40% humidity limit, particles may accumulate a thin water shell while retaining their irregular shape. The percentage humidity necessary for a particle to transition from an irregularly shaped particle to a spherical shape, after developing a water shell, will be investigated using numerical models, as well as the optical properties/difference amongst both.
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