Tuesday, 8 January 2019: 10:30 AM
North 124A (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Deep convective clouds affect atmospheric chemistry in a variety of ways. Lightning is the primary source of NOx (NO + NO2) in the mid-to-upper troposphere, where lightning-produced NOx has been shown to cause increases in ozone and OH and decreases in methane. Global production of NOx from lightning is uncertain by a factor of four. In this study, the amount of NOx produced per lightning flash is examined using NO2 columns from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard the NASA Aura spacecraft and lightning stroke data from the ground-based World Wide Lightning Location Network. Estimates of LNOx PE are obtained for six regions (tropical Americas, tropical Africa, tropical Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, eastern North America, Europe, and eastern Asia) using two approaches. In the summation approach, the mean vertical column of tropospheric NOx due to recent lightning over flashing grid boxes is divided by mean flashes during a one-to-six hour accumulation period prior to the time of the OMI overpass. In the regression approach, mean daily columns of tropospheric NOx values over a region are regressed against mean daily flashes during the accumulation period. Overall, the mean LNOx PE for the continental subtropical/midlatitude regions is found to be 180 ± 100 moles NOx produced per flash, a value that is roughly similar to the values for the entire tropics (157 ± 72 moles per flash) but larger than the value for continental locations in the tropics (113 ± 56 moles per flash). The PE is observed to depend strongly on flash rate, with higher flash rates producing less NOx per flash. For example, PE is larger over the tropical Pacific (a low flash rate region with a high percentage of energetic marine flashes) than tropical Africa (a high flash rate region with a high percentage of less energetic continental flashes). The non-linear dependence is evident not only in the derived NOx amounts but in the initial OMI NO2 columns, themselves. It is most apparent over lower cloud tops and less so above storms with high anvils, where the PE becomes nearly constant.The main contributors to uncertainty are examined and shown to be uncertainties in WWLLN detection efficiency and upper tropospheric NOx lifetime in the near field of convection.