Monday, 7 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Handout (963.7 kB)
The provisional International Space Station (ISS) Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) P0.2 data were released released in July 2018 allowing for the study of lightning in hazardous weather events over much of the Earth. These data have improved geolocation and timing. LIS was installed on ISS and started operating in February 2017, providing observations of global lightning flashes, including data at higher latitudes than previously possible. The NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC), one of 12 NASA data centers, provides near-real time access to ISS LIS data, user support, and data use resources for researchers, students and the general public. This presentation provides an overview of the ISS LIS provisional and near-real time data. Research quality data are expected to be released in late 2018 and may be presented if available. We also include lightning Micro Articles, Data Recipes, articles and NASA mastheads that demonstrate GHRC efforts at supporting this project. The redesigned and improved lightning website and user tools will also be introduced. Current examples of near real-time data applications will be included.