We have evaluated HYSPLIT-MOSAIC against CARES (Carbonaceous Aerosol and Radiative Effects Study) field campaign data from central California, EPA’s AQS measurements from 28 sites over California as well as WRF-Chem-MOSAIC simulations for the CARES period (June 2010). Additionally, we have been evaluating against 55 AIRNOW sites over the Pacific Northwest and the CMAQ-based AIRPACT5 air quality forecasting system, since November 2017. Overall HYSPLIT-MOSAIC results are comparable to the observations and 3D model results. It captures the diurnal patterns of ozone, although it overestimates by 10% to 50% respect to observations. Our model tends to underestimate PM2.5 concentrations compared to observations. For PM2.5 compositions, sulfate, ammonia and black carbon concentrations are predicted reasonably, but nitrate concentrations are overpredicted by up to 50% than observations. Because our framework does not include all the organic aerosol species, it underestimates their concentrations. The observed seasonal change of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations from winter to spring in 2018 are captured in HYSPLIT-MOSAIC.
Our evaluation results demonstrate that the HYSPLIT-MOSAIC framework is capable of predicting air quality at local-scale. Since it is computationally efficient compared to 3D Eulerian models, HYSPLIT-MOSAIC is appropriate for performing numerous ensemble long-term runs with multiple climate scenarios. For the future air quality assessment, we will utilize high resolution statistically downscaled climate data to provide the required meteorological data for our Lagrangian model.