Back-trajectory model simulations demonstrate how often the air masses come from local or long-distance transport, and thus how much they contribute to O3 transport over California (CA). The impact of the high O3 transported aloft on the surface O3 concentration through vertical and horizontal transport within a few days is substantiated by influence maps determined from the Weather Research and Forecasting Stochastic Time Inverted Lagrangian Transport (WRF-STILT) model. The Q diagnostic, which is a measure of the mixing of the air masses, is another tool used to indicate when O3 from the different origins is mixed and transported to the western U.S. NASA Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite, and TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) data is also used to identify the transport pathways of O3.
KORUS-AQ aerosol and O3 data measured over the Koran peninsula during April – June 2016 are also investigated as upwind information regarding aerosol and ozone transport. It is expected that transport will have the greatest impact in April and May, and local impact is expected to dominate in June due to synoptic weather conditions. Integrated data analysis using trajectory models, in-situ airborne and surface measurements, satellite, reanalysis products, and diagnostic tools allows various ozone distributions over CA to be attributed to multiple source processes.