Our next goal is to be able to assimilate microwave humidity sounding radiances (e.g., from MHS) in all-sky conditions. To this end, the 1D-Var pre-processing of MHS was upgraded to allow the estimation of both liquid water path (LWP) and ice water path (IWP) using RTTOV-SCATT. The symmetric error model for MHS was devised as a bilinear function of LWP and IWP. Care was taken to assess the effects of the cloud overlapping assumptions in RTTOV-SCATT on the cloud liquid and ice water jacobians from RTTOV-SCATT. This presentation will discuss our latest trial results when MHS channel 3, 4 and 5 are assimilated against control.
We will also present our plans and first tests (e.g., single ob experiments) on the assimilation of humidity-sensitive radiances from infrared sounders (e.g., IASI) simulated with RTTOV version 12 from profiles of temperature, humidity, cloud liquid and ice water and cloud fraction as well as surface fields.