Thursday, 10 January 2019: 11:15 AM
North 231AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The health status and operational performance of the JPSS (S-NPP and NOAA-20) spacecrafts and sensors (namely VIIRS, ATMS, OMPS and CrIS) are routinely monitored by the STAR Integrated Calibration and Validation System (ICVS). In supporting sensor data records (SDRs) calibration and validation, ICVS provides a unique and important tool for satellite calibration scientists and broad observational and modelling user community for better understanding on the instrument stability, SDR data quality, and product uncertainty in Environment Data Records (EDRs) towards accurate weather forecasts and environmental monitoring. This study introduces the development and application of the new CrIS SDR bias monitoring module to showcase how ICVS evolves over time by continuously enhancing its capabilities to meet users’ needs.
The CrIS SDR bias are calculated between the CrIS observations and the Community Radiation Transfer Model (CRTM) simulations at five infrared channels (wavenumbers at 670 cm-1, 900 cm-1, 1500 cm-1, 2320 cm-1, and 2500 cm-1) for both S-NPP and NOAA-20 over the period of May – July 2018. Cloud screening based on the NUCAPS datasets with additional infrared window radiance spatial uniformity test is applied to the bias estimation. The bias imageries show significant regional features that vary from channel to channel. The SDR stability in terms of mean global bias between observation and simulation are demonstrated in the time series. Regional bias time series analysis is also conducted over homogeneous surface such as Sahara Desert for bias stability monitoring purposes. Moreover, daytime and nighttime SDR biases are compared. The S-NPP and NOAA-20 CrIS SDR biases are also compared including their double differences for performance evaluation. The findings from the study are valuable for CrIS SDR data quality validation that are beneficial for more accurate weather forecast using infrared sounder observations. Similar SDR bias modules are also developed for other JPSS instruments and are added to the ICVS operational services. The new functions and capabilities of ICVS in terms of SDR bias monitoring adds new dimension to the parameters ICVS monitors and further improve its operational service to ensure JPSS deliver accurate and quality products for weather forecasts and environmental monitoring.
The CrIS SDR bias are calculated between the CrIS observations and the Community Radiation Transfer Model (CRTM) simulations at five infrared channels (wavenumbers at 670 cm-1, 900 cm-1, 1500 cm-1, 2320 cm-1, and 2500 cm-1) for both S-NPP and NOAA-20 over the period of May – July 2018. Cloud screening based on the NUCAPS datasets with additional infrared window radiance spatial uniformity test is applied to the bias estimation. The bias imageries show significant regional features that vary from channel to channel. The SDR stability in terms of mean global bias between observation and simulation are demonstrated in the time series. Regional bias time series analysis is also conducted over homogeneous surface such as Sahara Desert for bias stability monitoring purposes. Moreover, daytime and nighttime SDR biases are compared. The S-NPP and NOAA-20 CrIS SDR biases are also compared including their double differences for performance evaluation. The findings from the study are valuable for CrIS SDR data quality validation that are beneficial for more accurate weather forecast using infrared sounder observations. Similar SDR bias modules are also developed for other JPSS instruments and are added to the ICVS operational services. The new functions and capabilities of ICVS in terms of SDR bias monitoring adds new dimension to the parameters ICVS monitors and further improve its operational service to ensure JPSS deliver accurate and quality products for weather forecasts and environmental monitoring.