Tuesday, 8 January 2019: 11:00 AM
North 124A (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS) is currently under development in the US. The high-stake goals of NGGPS require to generate a much-advanced global modeling system with state-of-the-art nonhydrostatic dynamics, physics and data assimilation. The selection of the advanced physics parameterizations may be the most challenging task for 2019. One of thephysics packages considered as the advanced physics suite - developed at ESRL - includea unified scale-aware parameterization of subgrid cloudiness feedback to radiation (coupled PBL, microphysics, radiation, shallow convection) and the Grell-Freitas scale and aerosol aware convective parameterization.The microphysics scheme is also aerosol aware and currently already used operationally in the High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR). We will compare results from complex physics/chemistry runs with WRF-Chem to global FV3GFS simulations and comparequalitative differences. Impacts on NWP skill scores will be presented. New developments in GF will include changes to the aerosol awareness, impacts from memory, and cold pool parameterizations.