307 Air–Sea Interaction over the Maritime Continent during the 2018 Boreal Summer Monsoon Simulated by Coupled Air–Sea–Wave COAMPS

Monday, 7 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Tommy Jensen, NRL, Stennis Space Center, MS; and A. V. Rydbeck, S. Chen, M. Flatau, C. Reynolds, and J. Pullen

The Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) is used to simulate the conditions in the South China Sea (SCS) and Maritime Continent during the Southwest Monsoon Season in 2018. In particular, several tropical depressions and storms affected the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in the CSC.
In May the SST in the central SCS exceeded 31°C, but the cooling associated with Southwest Monsoon started with the 1 June formation of tropical storm (TS) Ewiniar, first north of Borneo, followed by cooling of the central SCS and coastal upwelling as the TS moved north to Hainan. In mid June, strong winds from TS 07W and TS Gaemi produced cooling in the northern CSC. In mid July cold water from coastal upwelling, forced by TS Son-Tinh, was advected from the southern Vietnamese coast into the central SCS by a strong anti-cyclonic eddy. SST as low as 26ºC was found in the central SCS basin.
The COAMPS used in this study covers the Indian Ocean north of 18ºS and west of 125ºE. The model is using a horizontal resolution of about 3.5 km in the ocean, 9 km in the atmosphere and 10 km for the spectral surface wave model component. Both the atmosphere model and ocean model have up to 60 vertical levels. The ocean model has a minimum of 0.5 m resolution between the surface and 10 m and at least 45 levels between the surface and 330 m. Fluxes between each model module are exchanged every 10 min. The wave model is Simulating Waves Nearshore and has 33 frequency bands and 48 directions. A three-dimensional variational method (3D-var) of data assimilation is applied in the atmosphere and ocean models. The model runs on 672 cores on the Cray XC40 at the Navy DoD Supercomputing Resource Center. The model is being run daily as part of Office of Naval Research research initiatives.
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