Monday, 7 January 2019: 12:00 AM
North 229AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
We will showcase the Fluid Earth Viewer (FEVer), an intuitive, interactive, and visually appealing web tool created by a team at The Ohio State University and available online at FEVer leverages open-source code and publicly available atmospheric and ocean data sets to investigate current and past conditions of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. FEVer was developed through extensive user-testing with middle-school students, undergraduates, and the general public. FEVer serves both informal and formal educational settings, making complex geophysical data accessible and engaging to all audiences. This activity will focus on the basics of weather and is targeted to third-graders to adults. The learning objective is to understand that the movement of air transports conditions (temperatures, water vapor, dust, etc.) from one location to another. The audience will use FEVer to view weather data for different geographical locations, compare and contrast conditions in these various locations at the same time, and compare and contrast conditions in one location at various points in time. Users will learn that the direction of wind impacts local weather conditions, conditions are not the same in all places at one time, and conditions in one location change over time. Participants are encouraged to bring their own web-enabled devices.