As will be shown, DAWN can provide high resolution (4 -12 km in the horizontal and 35 – 150 m in the vertical) wind measurements from the surface to 8-10 km in undisturbed as well as convective conditions. Comparison with other wind measurements such as those from dropsondes, cloud motion vectors and ocean buoys will be presented.
During the CPEX missions, the NASA DC-8 flew a series of “boxes” with ~100 Km sides over the GoM and Caribbean Sea during varying degrees of convection. Mass divergence budgets computed through the vertical column of these boxes under the different convective states will be presented and discussed. We will also provide comparisons between the DAWN observations and budgets and those computed from WRF model forecasts provided by the University of Utah. In addition, the DAWN measurements are also being assimilated into the WRF model and their impact on forecast of Tropical Cindy will be illustrated.