Data for daily inpatient hospitalizations for all MIs occurring among Florida residents between 2005 and 2014 were obtained from the Florida Department of Health. Hourly ambient temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed data from which maximum and minimum AT were computed were obtained from: National Weather Service (NWS) first-order weather stations, Florida Agricultural Weather Network (FAWN) automated weather stations, and Florida State University Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies. Air pollution data (PM2.5 and O3) were downloaded from the Environmental Protection Agency website.
A dynamic linear regression model with external variables will be used to quantify the association between daily MI morbidity risks and AT, adjusting for the effects of current and delayed effects of P.M2.5 and O3. We will also adjust for the effects of other relevant explanatory variables such as interventions and other seasonal patterns (weekday effects etc.) which may contribute to variations in MI hospitalizations risks over time. Additionally, we will be able to allow for possible time structure of the disturbance series (residual autocorrelation) with the use of a dynamic regression model. Thus, the analyses conducted with this model will produce more realistic effect estimates than the more traditional approaches such as the case-crossover design.
Based on previous studies, we expect daily MI hospitalization risks to be associated with extreme (high and low) AT values. We also expect MI hospitalization risks to vary regionally due to heterogeneity in environmental and socio-demographic characteristics across the state. From a public health perspective, a better understanding of the association between weather and MI morbidity will aid in the development of preventive strategies and lead to better outcomes.