Tuesday, 8 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Measurements have been made with Rotronics Hygroclip sensors concurrently mounted on a moving vehicle within the NSSL U-Tube and within a 10-plate Gill shield under a wide variety of environmental conditions. The U-Tube was originally designed primarily for use in severe storm environments under which anomalously cool and humid measurements are likely to occur if the sensor is not well protected from wetting by raindrops, and in which rugged protection from large hail and debris may be required. Sensors commonly used within the U-Tube by NSSL and collaborating organizations have typically included the HMP45C and fast-response thermistors. In non-severe and rain-free conditions both U-Tube and Gill shields have been used by various investigators, although with no systematic comparison. During 2016-2018, data have been collected from a large number of cases geographically distributed across the United States. The performance of the Hygroclip sensor in the different shields will be compared statistically under conditions of clear sky, partly cloudy, overcast, light rain, moderate/heavy rain, and light snow. Other influences on performance related to terrain, fog, and road spray are also considered. While expected wetbulbing effects have noted during most heavy rain events, many light-to-moderate rain cases show no discernible cool bias with the Gill shield. The most noteworthy difference under rain-free conditions is a lag in temperature measurements with the U-Tube, which is particularly recognizable under conditions conducive to small-scale variability such as a stable nocturnal boundary layer in complex terrain. This temporal lag is presumed to be a consequence of thermal inertia from the much larger U-Tube shield in spite of its fan aspiration. Much less lag is noted in humidity measurements. It is suggested that the ideal configuration for an “all-weather” mobile observing system should include both the U-Tube and Gill shields. Similar comparisons for pedestrian microclimate measurements have been initiated using a Gill shield and an aspirated Apogee shield in fair weather.